Why You Should Add Artificial Grass in Your Backyard Play Area

August 31, 2021

Parents know how tough it can be to find a playing environment that is both fun and safe for their children. While some natural grass surfaces can get the job done, the high costs and extensive amount of maintenance work needed to preserve these landscapes are simply too much for many parents. For children who love to play outside and parents who are concerned about the safety and cleanliness of their children, artificial turf is becoming popular as an ideal backyard playing surface. Here’s why many parents have chosen to install artificial grass in their backyard play area.

Safer and More Fun

Adding artificial turf to your backyard will help create an enjoyable setting for your kids to freely play without fear of getting hurt. Natural grass can be dangerous for your children, especially when its surface hardens due to colder weather conditions. The last thing you want is for your kids to fall on top of a hard natural grass surface with little protection. Synthetic grass is a safer playing surface that minimizes the risk of injury for your children. Your kids will have a better time because they’ll be able to play to their heart’s content. At SGW Reno, all of our SGW PlayScape products are IPEMA certified and feature a variety of recycled foam padding that will protect against impact injuries, making them a perfect playground surface for children.

Durable and Resilient

Artificial turf is an incredibly resilient surface that can withstand the heavy use your kids will put it through. By making the switch to synthetic grass, you will have a landscaping surface that is built to last and will fulfill all of your playground needs. At SGW Reno, we can personally guarantee that our artificial grass surface will endure even the toughest play and will last you for years to come.

Reduced Maintenance

With artificial turf, you won’t have to worry about maintenance work nearly as much as you would with natural grass. Synthetic grass does not require regular watering and eliminates tasks like mowing, trimming, and fertilizing. Artificial turf’s hygienic properties and effective drainage system help preserve the cleanliness of the surface. With synthetic grass, your primary focus will be spending time with your kids instead of doing maintenance work.

Visually Stunning and Safe

Thanks to its striking aesthetic, synthetic grass can elevate any mundane backyard play area into something much more. Artificial turf makes for a stunning sight to behold with its beautiful lush and green appearance. Your children will be able to play in an aesthetically pleasing environment that is both fun and safe. Since artificial grass is a low-maintenance surface, you also won’t need to work too hard to preserve your synthetic turf’s pleasing appearance.

Environmentally Friendly

An artificial grass surface means that you will help lower your impact on the environment. As mentioned earlier, synthetic turf does not require regular watering to keep its beautiful appearance. With less need for watering, you are helping to reduce your direct water footprint at your home. Synthetic grass surface will also eliminate the need to use a lawnmower for any mowing. Lawnmowers are known to be prolific polluters, as they have an even higher output than new cars. Thus, by no longer using a lawnmower, you are reducing your ecological footprint.

Turn your backyard play area into the ideal environment for your kids with artificial turf from SGW Reno. SGW Reno has worked with contractors across Reno and North America who have made us their number one choice for synthetic grass wholesale. We have earned their trust because of the incredible quality of our synthetic grass products. Each one of our stellar artificial turf products is non-toxic, lead-free, and backed by a 15-year warranty. For more information about what we can do for you, fill out our online contact form or call us at (800) 651-3718 to request a free product sample.

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