Signs That it’s Time to Replace Your Artificial Turf

August 31, 2021

Artificial turf is a resilient and long-lasting surface that can endure tough conditions and heavy use. Its durability allows it to be able to keep its beautiful appearance and functionality for many years even under demanding circumstances. As with all surfaces, artificial turf will need to be replaced at some point due to wear and tear and age. But when exactly is the right time to do so? Here are some signs that it’s time to replace your artificial turf.

Extensive Damage

While artificial turf is strong, that doesn’t mean that it will not inevitably get damaged or worn down. Synthetic grass that uses high-quality products from wholesalers like SGW Reno will typically last for many years, but the damage caused by extreme weather conditions or accidents can severely shorten its lifespan. If you spot any areas of melted turf or discoloration throughout your surface, you should consider replacing your artificial turf.

Persistent Smells

Artificial turf can maintain a clean and odorless environment because of its hygienic properties. However, synthetic grass owners still need to occasionally rinse off and clean the surface if they hope to preserve its cleanliness. This is especially necessary for pet owners who let their furry companions play on their synthetic grass lawn. Not cleaning up after your pet can cause stains, mold growth, and odors to manifest. If the foul smells emanating from your artificial turf just won’t go away after cleaning it, you’ll need to consider completely replacing it.

Loose Inlays

During the installation process, inlays play a role in helping secure your artificial turf. Over time, the adhesive that holds the inlays will soften and weaken. Loose inlays can make your synthetic grass a more dangerous place to be because of increased slippages and other incidents that may cause injury. This can be a safety hazard for anybody who uses your artificial turf like your children or your pets. Upon first noticing problems with your inlays, we suggest looking into replacement options.

You’re Selling Your Home

If at some point you decide to sell your home, one way to maximize its value is by installing a new artificial turf surface. A new synthetic grass lawn increases the curb appeal of a property, making it more appealing to potential buyers. Potential buyers are more enticed by residential properties that are pleasing to the eye and that have been worked on and looked after. First impressions are important for potential buyers, and a new artificial turf surface can garner a favorable reaction.  

When it comes the time to replace your artificial turf, choose to work with SGW Reno to ensure the best results. You can find the highest-quality synthetic grass products available at SGW Reno. Contractors across Reno and North America, who have made us their preferred choice for synthetic grass wholesale, are all quick to praise our incredible and dependable lineup. All of our stellar artificial turf products are non-toxic, lead-free, and backed by a 15-year warranty. For more information about what we can do for you, fill out our online contact form or call us at (800) 651-3718 to request a free product sample.

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