How to Find the Best Artificial Grass Thickness for Your Project

March 31, 2022

You’ve found the perfect artificial grass for your project. However, you’re now undecided about one thing: what is the best artificial grass thickness for your project? Depending on your project, you’ll need to make sure that you’re purchasing an artificial turf product that meets your needs, including the thickness of your synthetic turf. There are several factors that you need to think about when considering the best synthetic grass thickness for your project.

Safety of Synthetic Turf for Your Kids

Let’s face it: kids (and adults) can get rowdy, right? Putting safety first, you need the best artificial grass thickness to endure even with kids playing on the lawn. A good synthetic grass product should stand up to the daily wear and tear from running around and excessive play.

If you have a yard used for children or pets, you will want to look for thick grass than a standard lawn, about an inch thick.

Depending on your kids’ play area, you can choose an artificial grass thickness between 3.5 to 4.5 mm.

Artificial Turf with Your Pets in Mind

If you have dogs or cats, you may want to consider thicker pet-friendly artificial turf. The thicker your artificial turf is, the more durable it will be. A thicker blade of synthetic grass will help you protect your pets from potentially damaging the synthetic turf or chewing on it.

Keep Toughness in Mind 

If you are still deciding between different types of synthetic turf, you will want to consider the toughness of the grass. Depending on where you live, you may have a tough time with your lawn grass.  

A suitable thickness for tough artificial turf to opt for is 3.5 to 4.5 mm. This is an excellent thickness for easy maintenance and durable use.

Find an Effective Synthetic Turf Warranty

Your best bet is to make sure you choose an artificial turf product with a great warranty. With a good warranty, you will be able to get your lawn fixed or replaced if things do not go as planned. At SGW Reno, all of our products carry a 15-year warranty. If you find that your synthetic turf does not work out for you, you can have it fixed or replaced.

Synthetic Turf Backing is Important

In addition to a great warranty, choosing artificial grass with a thick fabric backing is another good option. A sturdy artificial turf backing will increase the longevity of the artificial grass. This gives you a chance to make sure that it is durable and your lawn can stand up to any mishaps.

In the end, you want a lawn that is going to last. With the right thickness of artificial grass, you can get a lawn that will last for many seasons.

Synthetic Grass Warehouse Reno is committed to providing the best artificial turf products for residential and commercial properties throughout the country. Each product is backed by a 15-year warranty, ensuring that you have the support of our team of experts for years to come. Check out our wide range of products today, call us at (800) 651-3718 or reach out to us online!

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