Think Artificial Turf is Bad for Your Trees? Think Again!

October 28, 2022

Trees are not only beautiful but have sentimental value for many. Many trees have been around for generations, drawing countless family memories to mind.

It makes sense, then, that we try to protect our trees in as many ways as possible. Unfortunately, some homeowners think they must avoid artificial turf to keep trees happy and healthy. 

In truth, synthetic turf is completely safe to install near trees. It’s also a great way to save time and money on landscaping maintenance – plus, it looks phenomenal. We’ve debunked the three most common misconceptions about trees and synthetic turf so you can have peace of mind when installing new landscaping.

Tree Roots Won’t Ruin Your Artificial Turf

Bulging tree roots can cause a slew of problems, ranging from plumbing issues to sidewalk damage. Thankfully, they’re unlikely to ruin your artificial turf.

Most tree roots grow downward, which means they’re not going to push up against your synthetic turf installation. Some types of trees do have shallow roots that can bulge upward, but they’re unlikely to damage your turf.

Synthetic Turf Won’t Choke Out Your Trees

Today’s artificial turf is crafted with excellent drainage systems. Efficient drainage allows the turf to “breathe,” which means it won’t choke out the roots of a beloved tree.

You can install artificial grass right up to the base of a tree. Trees will grow, however, so you’ll likely want to leave a space around a tree to accommodate that. 

There are plenty of ways to create a well around the base of a tree that looks natural and won’t damage your roots. Ground cover, perennials and other smaller plants can all be used to create a transitionary area between a tree and your lawn.

You Can Still Use a Rake on Synthetic Grass

Artificial turf requires different maintenance than natural grass. However, you don’t have to worry about damaging your lawn when removing fallen leaves.

Leaf blowers and brooms with synthetic bristles can be used to take care of tree leaves. Avoid metal rakes, as these can pull at and break your turf’s blades.

You never have to choose between keeping your favorite trees and installing artificial turf. Enjoy  your trees’ shade and the benefits of synthetic turf simultaneously with Synthetic Grass Warehouse Reno. We carry the widest selection of high-quality artificial turf in the nation, making us the go-to distributor for installation contractors. We’re more than happy to provide you with free samples and a complimentary quote for your next project. Give us a call at (800) 651-3718 or fill out our online contact form for more information.

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