5 Expert Tips To Prevent Creases While Installing Artificial Grass

April 28, 2023

With the increasing popularity and accessibility of artificial turf in Reno, many residents are choosing to DIY their installation or try their hand as first-time installers. A synthetic grass lawn can provide a wide range of benefits to your home or workplace, from lowering long-term maintenance costs to boosting visual appeal year-round. However, installing fake grass isn’t as easy as you may think. 

From visible seams to wrinkles and creases, there are many things that can go wrong during artificial turf installation if you aren’t careful. If you’re having trouble figuring out how to prevent creases while installing artificial grass, try these five expert tips from the nation’s leading wholesale turf provider.

1. Make Sure the Weed Membrane is Flat

The first step to preventing creases while installing artificial grass is to ensure that the weed membrane is laid flat. The weed membrane is a crucial aspect of synthetic turf installation, as it keeps weeds at bay and prevents them from climbing through the seams in your turf.

When beginning your installation, put your weed membrane in place and ensure it hasn’t folded over on itself anywhere. Secure it to your timber edging and in the center of your lawn so you can make sure it’s in its correct placement and laid out completely flat.

If you have any folds or creases in your weed membrane, these will show through your artificial turf once it’s installed. The backing material will take on the shape of any irregularities underneath it, so make sure your sub-base is immaculate before proceeding with the turf installation.

2. Lay Your Synthetic Turf Out Beforehand

Have you ever unraveled a poster, photo or rug and had trouble keeping it flat? Just like these items, turf grass is rolled up and stored for weeks or months before it’s unraveled during installation, which can cause it to roll up onto itself from memory.

To counteract this and ensure that the turf lays flat during installation, unroll the turf ahead of time and allow it to acclimate to the area. Leave your fake turf unrolled for at least 2 hours and ideally as many as 24 hours before installing the product. Try to do this on a warm and sunny day if possible, as the sun’s rays will help make the backing more supple and allow it to mold to its correct shape more quickly and easily.

3. Push Out Any Visible Creases

Once your turf grass is flat and ready to be installed, you’ll need to stretch out your artificial turf to its desired position. Once it’s stretched tight and pinned in place, you can use a broom or brush to push out any creases that may have formed.

This step is especially important if you don’t have enough time to let the fake turf acclimatize. This is typically the case for professional installers with a deadline, often the same day, to complete their installation.

4. Secure the Perimeter of Your Lawn

One of the most important steps is to properly secure the perimeter of your lawn. Stretch the synthetic grass as tightly as possible to minimize creases and wrinkling. Once it’s stretched into place, nail it into place using landscape nails or staples every six inches or so. 

In addition to staples, you should also use synthetic turf adhesive to firmly secure the new turf grass wherever necessary. This is especially important around any seams and on sloped terrain.

5. Add Artificial Turf Infill

Once your synthetic turf is firmly secured onto the lawn, it’s time to place your infill. This step will ensure that your turf is properly weighted down and prevent creasing as the turf naturally shifts with use and temperature fluctuations over time.

It’s important that you add the recommended amount of infill to your synthetic grass installation. There are several different types of infill suitable for various turf products and application needs, so check with the manufacturer to see which infill material and quantity would be best for your specific case.

If you need further guidance in choosing the right synthetic turf products and installation accessories, contact your local Synthetic Grass Warehouse location. At SGW Reno, we can help you find the perfect synthetic grass products for your home or business. 

SGW Reno has been an industry-leading artificial grass manufacturer and artificial turf distributor for more than 20 years, helping installers and homeowners alike with all their artificial grass installation needs. To find out more about our products or to receive guidance with your next turf grass installation, contact your local Synthetic Grass Warehouse facility today.

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