How Can Playground Turf Keep Your Daycare Injury-Free?

September 29, 2023

If you own or manage a daycare, you know that ensuring the safety and well-being of the kids under your care is the No. 1 priority. With little ones running and playing all day, it’s important to have a safe and secure environment for them that minimizes the risk of injuries while still allowing them to have fun.

To achieve this, daycare owners throughout the country are switching to Synthetic grass landscaping for their outdoor playgrounds. Not only does artificial grass provide a beautiful and low-maintenance play space that kids will enjoy, but it also helps keep your daycare injury-free through these three key safety benefits.

Prevents Slips

One of the most common causes of injuries for kids is slips and falls. With sand or pavement playground surfaces, wet weather can easily create a slippery surface that puts your kids at increased risk of injury. By utilizing playground turf, however, you can provide a fun and cushioned play area that maintains traction when wet.

Playground turf is installed with an ultra-efficient drainage system that flushes away water at a rate of more than 30 inches per hour per square yard. This means that even during the heaviest downpours, your outdoor turf surface won’t pool with water, reducing slipping hazards. Turf’s synthetic material also means that you never need to water it for it to remain green, so you can eliminate your costly sprinkler system and further reduce the chance of wet, slippery surfaces while your kids are at play.

Cushions Falls

From falling off the monkey bars to taking a tumble down the slide, there are dozens of ways for kids to fall and hurt themselves while on the playground, making these types of injuries virtually inevitable. While you likely can’t stop your kids from pushing their physical limits while at play, you can protect them from injuries by switching to IPEMA-certified playground turf.

SGW’s PlayScapes system is installed with a foam padding underlayer that is proven to protect children from impact falls and injuries from up to 10 feet high. Paired with our high-quality synthetic turf’s soft surface and further cushioning from antimicrobial infill, you can help ensure that your kids are as safe as possible without cutting back their fun.

Avoids Cuts and Scrapes

There’s a reason why scraped knees are synonymous with kids at play. When kids fall on rough, abrasive playground surfaces such as woodchips, asphalt or sand, it increases the likelihood of scrapes, cuts and bruises.

Playground turf, on the other hand, provides a soft, cushioned surface that reduces the risk of injuries. You can further enhance the safety benefits of your playground’s surface by adding a shock-absorbing, antimicrobial infill that not only reduces the chance of scrapes and cuts, but also reduces the risk of infection by ensuring that dirt and bacteria don’t enter the wound.

If you’re not sure which kid-friendly synthetic grass products are best for your daycare playground, the team at SGW Las Vegas can help you find the perfect match for your facility. SGW Las Vegas has been an industry leader for more than 20 years, helping distributors, installers and homeowners alike with all their artificial grass installation needs. To find out more about our market-leading products or to receive guidance with your next turf grass installation, contact your local Synthetic Grass Warehouse facility today.

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